Tech Roundup

Technology Committee members here at Towson University’s Cook Library are always on the hunt for new technology applications to bring into the library or technology-related issues our library should be addressing.  As we scour the internet for important, interesting, or just plain cool examples of technology applications, issues, or news, we post links and  summaries with our take here to the blog.

Wearables in Education

One of the current emerging trends in consumer technology is the variety of wearable devices not on the market and yet to come. Devices like Google Glass, smart watches, and fitness trackers are just a few examples of the ways consumers can now wear their technology. But how will wearable technology play out in education (and in libraries)? This post the AR at Mimas blog provides some interesting thoughts about the benefit of wearables in education and a preliminary example of how augmented reality through Glass may be used as an instructional tool. – Kim

Linked Jazz

I stumbled across the Linked Jazz project in this Educause Review article, and it seemed like a great way to understand more about the practical uses of linked data. The big benefit to linked data is the establishment of relationships between objects (in this case, jazz musicians). The project includes a fun Network Visualization Tool that allows you to see the relationships between various musicians. Linked Jazz 52nd ST allows you to participate in the formation of those relationships by interpreting the relationship between two musicians as described in interview transcripts. Try it, and get to know a little more about how linked data is constructed and works. (Warning: It’s more fun than reading the Linked Data Wikipedia entry.) – David

Flexible TV Screens

The technology for flexible, clear displays has been around for a while. But every time I see it, I think “I live in the future!”. Once screens like these become a regular market item, they could drastically change how your library computer lab looks, or even what you can put into your display cases. Maybe the transparent screens could make it easier to see if patrons are looking at appropriate things, or that your students are on task? – Laksamee

“11 University and Library Groups Release Net-Neutrality Principles”

In case you missed it, on Thursday, July 10th 11 higher education and library groups (including the American Library Association and Association of Research Libraries) released a document that outlines 11 principles of net neutrality, intended to inform the FCC decisions on new open-Internet rules. As reported by the Chronicle of Higher Education‘s “Wired Campus” blog, the principles include “recommendations to prohibit the blocking of legal websites, ensure neutrality on public networks, forbid paid prioritization in the transmission of some content over others, and adopt enforceable policies.” Interested to read the full set off 11 principles? They are also available online. – Kim



What do you think about some of the issues or technologies presented?  Have you found anything interesting online this week? Share in the comments!

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